JuneteenthKC App Support
Welcome to the JuneteenthKC app support page! If you're experiencing any issues with our app or have any questions about how to use it, you've come to the right place. We're here to help!
Contact Information: If you need assistance with the JuneteenthKC app, you can contact us by email at:
P.O. Box 9661
Kansas City, MO 64134
Our support team is available to help you with any questions or issues you may have.
Common Issues: If you're experiencing any issues with the app, here are some common solutions that might help:
Make sure you have the latest version of the app installed.
Check your internet connection. A strong Wi-Fi or cellular signal is necessary for the app to function properly.
Try restarting the app. Sometimes, simply closing and reopening the app can resolve any issues.
Restart your device. If the app still isn't working properly, try restarting your device to refresh the system.
If none of these solutions resolve your issue, please contact us at JuneteenthKC@gmail.com.
App Feedback: We're always looking to improve the JuneteenthKC app and make it the best possible experience for our users. If you have any feedback or suggestions for the app, please email us at JuneteenthKC@gmail.com. We appreciate your input and will consider all feedback when making updates to the app.
Thank you for using the JuneteenthKC app! We hope you have a great experience celebrating and learning about Juneteenth.